Monday, July 11, 2011

The Brown Shirts are on the march.

On another note, the gun nuts of the State of Wisconsin have proudly joined the other ‘conceal carry’ states in making it legal for any paranoid, violence prone idiot to carry a gun in public, ready to do battle with the forces of evil.

Yet one more example that our great American society is swirling the drain in it’s race to the bottom.  We like to pride ourselves in being the greatest country on earth, but continue to fail miserably in providing in the basics of safety and health care to our citizens; still with a higher infant mortality rate far beyond all other ‘civilized’ nations, more deaths by firearms per year than even the drug war riddled Mexico….

But who cares!  The Brown Shirts  are marching and taking over.  Maybe they’re right….  Maybe its time we all arm ourselves in anticipation of the revolution that seems headed our way.

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